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Kidney Cancer Treatment for Matt Cardle X Factor finalist | hollywood

Kidney Cancer Treatment:
Kidney Cancer diagnosis for Matt Cardle
Kidney cancer scan
Matt Cardle was diagnosed with Cancer it has been disclosed. The X Factor 2010 finalist and favourite was diagnosed with aggressive Wilms' tumour, which is a fast growing tumour of the kidneys. Symptoms of the disease, Wilms tumor, can include a large painless swelling on one side of the abdomen. Occasionally the tumour may bleed slightly and this can cause irritation in the area, which may be painful. There may be blood in the urine or blood pressure may be raised. The person may have a fever, upset stomach, weight loss or lack of appetite.
Following kidney cancer symptoms his parents, who run a logistics firm, supported Matt as he had his kidney cancer treatment, honed from trials over the years.
The painter and decorators mother Jenny added: "It was a hellish time and every parent's worst nightmare.
But you can't crumble and let your child down.
"We just had to be strong as a family and pull together and get through it."
Matt was diagnosed with the disease many years ago.

Kidney Cancer Treatment - click on the pics on this site
The kidneys remove waste from the body, regulate blood pressure and electrolyte balance, and stimulate the production of red blood cells. Shaped like kidney beans, the organs are found on either side of the backbone. Inside each kidney are tiny tubes that filter and clean the blood, taking out the waste, and making urine. The urine made by the kidneys passes through a tube called a ureter into the bladder where it is held until it is voided from the body.

Wilms tumor, also known as nephroblastoma, is a rare kidney cancer. It arises from embryonal kidney tissues that have normally disappeared at the time of birth and may affect one or both kidneys.Wilms tumor occurs in about one in 10,000 people. It is the second most common solid tumor in younger people, being less common than brain tumor, and makes up about 7 percent of all younger people cancers. Several different types of genetic alteration are known to play a role in the origin of some Wilms tumors but no environmental causes have yet been identified.

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